The Definitive Guide to Indoor Rock Climbing for Fort Collins Kids

Kids love some good active fun and when the activity makes them work up a sweat, all the better!
What was once seen as an adventurous yet peculiar pursuit has turned into one of the most widespread ways kids today can exercise their bodies and have fun with friends and family.
Indoor climbing is an awesome form of fitness for anyone – including children. This article will take you through different spots in Fort Collins where kids can enjoy indoor climbing today!

Additionally, the physical benefits of indoor climbing go hand in hand with the joy of exploration and accomplishment. As kids ascend walls, they develop not only their muscles but also their problem-solving skills and self-confidence. The sense of achievement that comes from reaching the top of a climbing route can be a powerful motivator for young climbers to continue challenging themselves and pursuing an active lifestyle. Fort Collins’ indoor climbing facilities provide a safe and supportive environment for kids to engage in this exhilarating activity while fostering a lifelong appreciation for health and fitness.


401 N Denver Ave, Loveland, CO 80537, USA

Loveland Laser Tag

Scale the ancient ruins and ring the gong at the top of LLT’s 4-person climbing wall. This climbing wall is fun and exciting for kids ages 8 & up. With a state-of-the-art Perfect Descent auto-belay system, you don’t need climbing experience to have a blast. And the 4 routes range from beginner to expert, so even adults will find a challenge to match their skill level!


10th Avenue, Greeley, Colorado.

Greeley Recreation Center

Located next to the racquetball courts, this is the only public climbing wall in town! The Eldorado wall from Louisville, CO is 20′ high and offers a variety of bouldering obstacles, and unique features such as a challenging overhang, and is fully equipped with 2 auto belays and 10 top-rope stations.

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